Friday, November 4, 2011

ha ha 10 weeks later!

Holy Moly, I can't believe I haven't written in 10 weeks! Yikes. :/ Well I'll be 26 wks in 2 days. So much has happened I will just recap on what's been going on. @ exactly 17 wks and 2 days my throwing up 4-6x a day totally stopped. It literally just vanished and I've been puke free ever since. Hooray!! So from 7 wks to 17 wks I roughly threw up 280 times. :) Go figure once I stopped throwing up I finally started gaining weight. I'm allowed to gain 20 lbs and with Halloween just passing I ate a butt ton of candy and gained 5lbs in 1 week. No bueno. I started walking 2 miles a day a few days ago and have lost 2 of those lbs. I currently have gained a total of 13 lbs this pregnancy. I started following my nutritionists diet again to keep my weight maintained for the remainder of the pregnancy. Hope I can stick to it. Let's see...Me and Mike had our 7 year wedding anniversary Sept 10th. It was great, we went to Tampa and had dinner and watched Fright Night in the theater. Thankful to say so far the '7 year itch' has had no effect on us. If it's one thing he never fails to do it's make me feel loved. I feel so blessed to have a husband who gives me a ton of hugs and kisses a day and says the sweetest things. We've been through so much together and I can't wait to add our little addition to our family. He will be an amazing father. Which by the way, we're having a GIRL! lol. We found out @ 17 wks. We went to the 3D/4D U/S place and it was awesome. At first I was in shock since I was so sure we were having a boy. I almost didn't want to believe I was wrong. I had a gut feeling it was a boy. lol. That same day DH wanted to get our baby girl some outfits and after our day of shopping for the cutest stuff, it set in and I couldn't have been happier to have a little girl. BTW, her name is Mia Faith. On Oct 4th I felt her move for the first time. I was 21 wks and 2 days. Ever since she's just been kicking the crap out of me. lol. and I LOVE it. Every time she moves in there I just smile. Hmm what else....Oh yes, I'm finished with her nursery! Well I'm just waiting on a wall decal but other than that it's all done. Once the wall decal comes in I'll post pics. We've been rearranging furniture like crazy and trying to get things organized before Mia comes. 14 more weeks! SQUEE!! On a sad note, last Friday we gave Acacia away. She was too aggressive towards kids and strangers and we couldn't risk Mia's safety. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. We've had her since she was 8 wks old, and her bday just passed on the 17th and she turned 5. Even though she was aggressive towards others, she was an ABSOLUTE sweetheart to me. We had the biggest bond. She followed me everywhere and was always in protector mode. She was by far my favorite pet I've ever had. She went to an amazing home. It's an 85 acre farm and the owner loves Shepherds. She'll have plenty of room to run and play and they have an obstacle course for the dogs. The owner is also hiring a behavioral specialist to train her shepherds and turn them into working dogs like search and rescue or cancer sniffing. I've been crying everyday but I know it's for the best. It's been so much easier with just the 2 other dogs. Less stress on me and the baby. Not to mention the other 2 would never harm Mia. I can't think of anything else to update. Hopefully my entries won't be as sporadic, that way they won't be a novel. lol. TTFN! Here's some updated pics too. :)

It's a girl!
She looks like me! ;)
19 wk belly
24 wks!
Halloween costume. :)
My sweet baby girl Acacia. I'll forever miss her.

Monday, August 29, 2011

16 WEEKS!!

I have just been sick sick sick!! These last few weeks have by far been the toughest of my pregnancy. I thought things were suppose to get easier!! lol. I've had severe migraines that last over 12 hrs and my OB prescribed Tylenol w/ codeine which I had an allergic reaction to and threw up 9x that day. My puking has gone down from 4-6x to 2-4x so that's good. Headaches have become more manageable and I'm finally about to sit at the computer long enough without vomiting so that's a plus! I just want my energy back. I haven't seen my friends in months and I haven't had a good thorough house cleaning in foreeeever!! Every day I cross my fingers that today is the day the MS goes away..but that has yet to happen. lol. On another note, we find out the gender this Saturday!! SOOOOO excited!! I can't believe in 5 days we'll FINALLY have a name instead of 'Baby G'. We're definitely going with Michael for a boy and Mia for a girl. Obviously this baby is a blessing no matter what but I keep going back and forth as to what gender I think it is. Majority of this pregnancy I thought boy. Then the other night a had a dream it was a girl and now I'm thinking girl. lol. I guess it's a 50/50 shot right? Chinese gender chart says boy. Will be interesting to see if it's correct. It will be so fun to finally buy gender specific items instead of gender neutral. I'll definitely post again Saturday with the news!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

13 weeks!

So my Dr appointment on Monday went great. We love our new OB and we got to hear the heartbeat at the office. On Tuesday we had our ultrasound and saw our baby doing flips on the screen. It was absolutely hilarious. I wish we could've gotten it on video. I get the results of the U/s at my next appt next week along with my BW results. I'm so happy to be in the 2nd trimester!! Baby is the size of a peach today. :) yesterday was the 1st day I haven't thrown up since wk 7 so I'm hoping that's a good sign. So far today I've been holding down my food as well. I still have nausea, headaches and heartburn once 2p.m. hits. But at least I know the baby is getting some food. Now that I'm not puking I'm hoping to start eating healthy. I've gained 1 lb my 1st trimester and even though my OB said I can gain 25-30 lbs. I'd like to stay under 20 lbs. We went to Mikes grandparents yesterday to tell them the news in person. We put the U/S pic in a frame that said 'baby' and gift wrapped it. His grandfather wanted to be the one to open it and as soon as he did he looked puzzled. Then his eyes filled with tears and he yelled "YOU!!??" and he started crying. It then made me start crying because I adore his grandparents like they are my own. He started saying how happy we've made him and he's been praying every night for us and he's so excited to have another great grandchild. Him and I went outside and he said the sweetest things to me and made me tear up again. I will be devastated when their time comes. It was a memory I'll cherish forever. Nothing else to update since I'm held captive in my own home at the moment. Here's hoping 2nd tri is nice to me so I can get my life back. I'll update how my next OB appt goes next week!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

12 weeks!

Almost into the 2nd tri! I have my first appt with my new OBGYN tomorrow and hopefully an U/S so I'll definitely update! This week was tricky. I'd go most of the morning and afternoon feeling good and thinking my symptoms were finally dying down, then night time hits and I'll trow up 4 times in 2 hours! I think the worst things I've thrown up so far are shrimp and pizza. I'm 1 lb over my pre pregnancy weight so I'm assuming that's good for being almost in the 2nd tri. Hopefully I can stay under 20lbs the entire pregnancy. I bought these super cute pregnancy tracker stickers off of etsy. There is one for every milestone then weekly starting at 36 weeks! Sorry for the poor picture quality. Mike is the worst photo taker ever! And it's just a normal point and shoot camera. UGH! lol.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost 11 wks

Things have been going by pretty quick. Especially since my bff from San Diego was here with me for 3 weeks. She just left this Tuesday. I feel so bad since the only thing we were able to do was see a film 2 or 3 times. We had a vacation planned and paid for to go to Savannah, GA. Ummm, yeah...totally had to cancel that!! I have just been throwing up every single day 4x a day and it's just been rough. We had so many food items we planned on cooking and creating and I probably only cooked ONCE!! and I made her help so I didn't puke!! lol. I love her to death for being a good friend and just helping me be as comfortable as possible. Also for her making last minute food runs at all hours of the day and night so I can eat. :) Thank God for BFF's! I had my U/S at 9 wks and my RE said everything looked good. I still have a little amount of uterine blood so I'm still on pelvic rest. Boo!!! The heartbeat was nice and strong. I think last time it was 149 and this time it was 173. We got to see the baby move, they kept bobbing their head. It was amazing and hilarious! Dr said there's nothing else he can do so they thought it was time to discharge me to a regular OBGYN. I seriously teared up in the office and hugged him and his assistant. I was suppose to be with them until I was 16 weeks, not 9. I've been seeing this RE since October and have been through so much with him. I am happy that he felt things looked good enough I don't have to see him anymore, but I will miss them terribly. I'm also sad not to see our little baby every week on the screen. My 1st appointment with my new OBGYN is Aug 1st. I'll be 12 wks. :) I will update you then. :)

Here is a pic of our 9 wk 2 day U/S.
I think it's crazy how fast the baby can grow in just a few weeks. You can see the head, belly, arms and legs!


Friday, July 8, 2011

8 wks 1 day!

Time is just flying by thank goodness. 4 more weeks till we're in the 2nd trimester. This pregnancy has been a lot more rough then I was expecting. I have nausea and heartburn all throughout the day. I get dizzy and bad headaches. I throw up sometimes twice a day. I seriously commend any pregnant woman who has to work full time. I am absolutely miserable all day and couldn't imagine standing on my feet for 8 hours working at the bank. Even a part time job is rough when all you want to do is throw up. lol. I've been losing a lot of hours because of the rain but it's also nice so I can at least be miserable in my own home. :) It will all be worth it in the end. The fact that I'm finally pregnant and going through all of this is a blessing. I am hoping the nausea goes away sooner than later. I can barely stand a 15 minute car ride anymore. I'm only down 3 lbs of my pre pregnancy weight so that's good. I hope the baby is getting enough nutrients. Pre pregnancy I was eating low carb and mostly meat and veggies because I'm pre diabetic and insulin resistant. I can't even stand to look at meat right now. It makes me gag thinking of eating it. The only thing this baby wants is bagels for breakfast and those $1.00 totinos pizza's for lunch..dinner is my biggest challenge yet. We tried shrimp last night and that was not fun coming back up. Worst puking experience of my life. I'll spare you the details. I ended up getting a whey protien smoothie from starbucks and it seemed to work, then an hour later I was nauseous as hell! I just don't know what to eat anymore. Anyways, my next appt is next Tuesday the 12th. I'll be 8 wks and 5 days. We're going to see Mikes grandparents at the end of the month and they've been rooting for us since the get go and know everything we've endured on this ttc journey. We'll be 10 wks so hopefully it's safe to tell them. I think I'm going to frame the latest ultrasound pic we get and gift wrap it for them.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

pukey pukey and heartburn

Soo I've been nauseous throughout the day for the past 2 weeks. Finally at exactly 7 wks I threw up in the evening. It was awful. lol. Very acidic and went for a long period of time. Every time I thought I was done I found myself hugging the toilet bowl one more time. Yesterday was the same thing. Nauseous throughout the day then finally puked at night. I also found out I cannot eat spicy foods anymore without getting really bad heartburn. I put hot sauce on almost everything I eat. Not anymore I guess. As much as it sucks to have a burning throat after puking and lovely heartburn after eating, I seriously am happy to be experiencing it. I finally 'feel' pregnant and I'm loving it. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

overdue update

Ok so last Tuesday I had my U/S and it didn't go that great. I did get to see the tiny embryo and I was measuring 5 wks. My RE found a large amount of blood in my uterus and was very concerned. He told me to stay off my feet that week and put me on pelvic rest. I left the office crying because of how concerned he seemed and I was really worried we we're going to lose our little bean. I started spotting red on Thursday along with cramps and back pain, brown on Friday, brown on Saturday, red on Sunday, brown on Monday..then finally Tuesday it was barely anything. All last week I spent lying down and drinking plenty of fluids. It got to the point where my body was becoming so lethargic I got these awful headaches from lying down all the time. DH was out of town so I ordered 40 wings from the pizzeria so I didn't have to cook all week. :) Yeah I don't see myself eating wings for a VERY long time. I'm all winged out. So this Tuesday I go back and the whole time driving DH is saying "I'm not going to lie, with all your spotting, cramping and back pain, I'm just going to expect the worst and I want you to do the same." I told him I was but if we are losing this baby I'm still going to cry out of disappointment and frustration! We go into the RE's office, and we're praying before he comes in that everything is fine and to please let there still be a baby. The RE does the ultrasound and I can tell the embryo looks bigger from last week so that had to be a good sign! Then the RE asked "Can you see the heartbeat?" and me and DH both screamed "WHAT!!?? WHERE!!??" and we saw the tiny little flickering on the screen. We both started tearing up. We never got to see a heartbeat last pregnancy and after 2 1/2 years of trying it was just such a miracle to be able to experience that. We then heard the heartbeat and I asked "Is that mine or the babies!!??" and he said "The babies, I don't think your bpm is 139. ha ha" and I just start BALLING on the table. lol. It was seriously the happiest moments of our life. Better than our wedding day. AND to top things off the bedrest must have done it's job because he moved the wand around and no more blood!! It was such a great day! heartbeat and no blood?? Thank you Jesus!! Here's a pic of the U/S. The bottom left shows the heartbeat. :) Our bean is tucked in the corner behind the yolk sac. I'm measuring 7 wks.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BETA #4!

20DPO today, Our beta's we're 1237 on Monday so I needed at least 2480 from today's blood work. Results are in and they're at 2500! WOO HOO! That's way higher then my last pregnancy got to! While I had the RE's assistant on the phone I asked what date I am suppose to go by to determine my due date. She plugged in my IUI info and said I'm 4 wks 6 days and due 2/16/12! Which was kind of a relief because it makes more sense that I'm still not having a lot of symptoms since i'm so early still. I'm done getting my blood drawn every 2 days, so hooray for that! My arms are so bruised it's not even funny. Now that I've passed the RE's minimum beta # requirement of 1500 I have my 1st appointment to see him next Tuesday! I'm hoping to see the gestational sac on the ultra sound. Even though my #'s are where they should be, I'm still very cautious. I know anything can happen in these next weeks during the 1st trimester and it's a critical time. I'm just trying to rest and take it easy. Unfortunately my wrist is finally 80% better, so I can kiss DH doing the dishes every day, cleaning, taking care of the dogs and cooking 3 meals a day goodbye. lol. It was nice while it lasted. I bought my 1st pair of maternity shorts today. :) I was going to just buy a regular pair of shorts but didn't want to waste the money if I'm going to continue to grow, so I figured it would be smarter to just buy the comfy maternity ones. If I do end up miscarrying (knock on wood) I'll still use them. They're super cute Bermuda jean shorts! Love them! I don't plan on showing for another 2 months but in Florida it will be hot until November so these bad boys will be put to some good use! I'll continue to buy regular shirts that have some room until I really pop! Then I'll cave and buy maternity shirts. lol. I'll let you guys know how next Tuesday goes! hopefully I'll have my 1st ultrasound pic to show!! :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

BETA # 3!!

I'm 18DPO today and my betas went from 290 on 6/10 to 1237 today!! WOOT WOOT!! That's a nice jump so I'm praying my little muffin wants to stick! My BIL and SIL came over to bring me a present. :) It was a bag full of pregnant necessities. It had things for morning sickness, Belly laughs by Jenny McCarthy, tea, mouthwash, tissues, chap stick, cocoa butter, hard candies, a journal for all 3 trimesters. Very very thoughtful and sweet. Thanks Guys!! Also my very first FLUFF mail came in today! It's the fuzzibunz one size limited edition earth day cloth diaper. So cute! When My grovia cloth diapers come in I'll take a pic of the diapers and my bag of goodies. My wrist is still in pain and I don't want to deal with the camera today. hee hee. I have more blood work Wednesday and then my weekly RE appointments should start next week! Soo excited to see that little pea on the screen!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

BETA #2 results!!

I got my blood work done yesterday morning and they called me last night and said my beta's went from 98 to 290!! woo hoo!! They almost tripled! We we're very happy and excited and are still praying they keep doubling because we know we're not in the clear just because we're pregnant. On the downside, on Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night crying from pain in my wrist. Sunday we went to urgent care and found out it's a ganglion cyst. Since I already took the pregnancy tests and it said positive I turned down any type of pain meds and have just been sucking it up and crying it out ever since. Mike has been having to clean, cook and drive me everywhere this week. Which I told him was God's plan so I can take it easy during implantation. hee hee. Well I saw the Orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he said because I am pregnant there is NOTHING he can do without harming the baby. I have to continue to ice my hand and try to massage it and hope it goes down within 2 weeks. I can barely move my wrist so massaging it is the worst pain ever. So while it is very sucky to be going through pain, it is all worth it if it means keeping this baby safe. I will go through the next 9 months with this pain if needed. here is a picture of my hand.
RIGHT HAND with cyst. :(

Thursday, June 9, 2011

losing weight?

So I didn't think there was a need to take a picture of my scale last week but it was at 176.something. Then when I got the BFP Monday I weighed myself and it was (sorry for dirty scale)Photobucket

Today, 4 days later I weigh myself and it's (YAY I cleaned my scale) Photobucket

That's 4 lbs in a week and I haven't even been able to lose that doing exercise. I'm eating 3 meals a day, veggies, whole wheat stuff and fruits. Not exercising at all and I don't get it. As much as I shouldn't be complaining it worries me more than anything. I can't wait for my betas tomorrow to see if they're at least doubling or not. I want to pull my hair out.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1st Beta results are in!

So I had my blood drawn this morning for my beta #'s and my progesterone level. I'm 13dpo and my beta results were 98. The RE said that's pretty low so we'll just hope they double on Friday. Thank GOD for TMP because I would've been freaking out with that # if it wasn't for them. A few of them had lower beta results at the same DPO and their pregnancy was or still is successful! That gives me hope. I haven't had any blood or horrible cramps so I'm praying with all of my heart that this little baby sticks. My progesterone level was at 34.1 and they like anything over 15 so she said that's awesome! I just need to take it easy and rest for now and try to not stress. I'll update you guys on Friday! Please keep your fingers crossed.
Update: One of the girls on TMP showed me this website. It says my numbers are at a range that can lead to a viable pregnancy. It was nice to see the statistics of it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Pregnant with caution

yup that's right! Finally got that gorgeous BFP!! I'm still on shock and am too scared to react. lol. I don't think I'll feel at ease until we see a heartbeat honestly. For those of you who have FB PLEASE don't write anything!! Not everyone knows about our blog nor about our TTC journey. We will not make that same mistake as to tell everyone and it result in a miscarriage so just you lucky one's who know about our blog get to know. :) So now we just wait and pray this little bean sticks!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

To believe or not to believe...

So I tested this morning a little past midnight (10dpo) and got the faintest BFP. Here's the catch. I don't know if the pregnancy test strip I took showing the trigger shot was out at 7dpo was a bust, or if this is real. I peed on the same internet cheapie strip this morning that I peed the trigger shot out at 7dpo and it too had a second faint line. DH is being a realist and saying not to get my hopes up because it's so light. He's not even considering it to be real. He wants confirmed blood work. I don't know what to think. As hopeful as I was his 'realist point of view' definitely got a hold of me because I don't want to believe it now either, until it's confirmed with either a FRER on Tuesday (12dpo) or BW. I don't want to get excited over a false positive, but I'm definitely still praying my little heart out that it is positive. Please pray for us and if you're not religious, cross everything ya got! My temp went up this morning from 97.28 yesterday to 97.82 today. I didn't sleep well because I sprained my wrist so I'm not sure if that threw off my temp. This month marks 2 1/2 years TTC and I find it so hard to believe we are pregnant after our first IUI. The doctor said we had a 4%-10% chance. That's so small. Plus I have no symptoms accept acne which is the total opposite of my first pregnancy. I think I'll pee on a FRER tomorrow. That will be 11 dpo and 13 dp trigger. Sorry I'm rambling like a indecisive person who doesn't want to get their hopes up. lol

My EPT test from a little past midnight this morning. See that faint faint line making it a plus symbol??

I peed on a internet cheapie this morning at 6a.m and saw a faint line also.
Here is the 7dpo internet cheapie to compare.
This is driving me crazy! I just want my RE to call and send me in for BW already!!
I have NO symptoms whatsoever accept skin breakout. So that might also be why I'm in denial. My first pregnancy I had sore boobs, heightened smell, nausea, all the good stuff. lol.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

orbit travel system

Does anyone know what this is? I'm in love...sigh...I hate liking expensive stuff sometimes!! I swear I wear the same old reusable "save the polar bears" tote every day along with my most comfy TOMS, jeans and a t-shirt. But occasionally that part of me I buried deep deep deep in the closet keeps popping up!! lol. Why can't I be practical and get a normal priced chico or graco stroller when I'm pregnant. No of course not. I have to want the $900 Orbit G2 travel system. It's pretty friggin awesome. If you don't know what it is, you tube it. The good thing about not even being pregnant at least is it gives me plenty of time to save! :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I'm 7 dpiui (days past IUI) and 9 days past trigger shot. I couldn't take it any longer and wanted to pee on a stick! The trigger shot is out of my system already! Which I'm happy to know so if and when I get my BFP I'll know it's real and not leftover pregnancy hormones from the trigger shot. So now since I know it's out, I'm not going to test again until next Thursday which will be the official 2WW date. I was going to test on Tuesday but I hate early BFN's. So either AF will show her face or I'll get that beautiful BFP we've been dreaming of!! Praying it's the bfp option over AF! lol, obviously!



Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So do you remember that lovely silver cross pram I posted about the other day? Well I found one for a reasonable price on craigslist in another city. They're agreeing to meet me half way which is super nice of them. It's in excellent condition and is the exact one or at least very very similar to the $2,000.00+ model Ellen DeGeneres gave to Gwyneth Paltrow! I don't have it in my possession yet, I'm meeting them with Mike on Friday. As soon as I hung up the phone I started screaming and Mike said "Wow, babe, I'm happy for you. I don't think I've ever saw you this happy....not even on our wedding day." and I said " I am happier than I was on our wedding day!!" lol...;) Not really, but it's definitely the second happiest I'll be in my life. My wedding being the first. Once we have a baby it will be the third happiest. I can't believe I'll have my one MUST HAVE item finally. Now I just need a bun in the oven and we'll be set. I will post pics on Friday of my new pram!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!

Here is a pic of the exact pram I'm getting!! I'm praying the sale goes through and the guys doesn't realize it's worth much much more. lol.

Monday, May 30, 2011

My nursery inspirations

Yes yes, I know I'm not even pregnant yet...But I have always imagined our nursery looking something like these and that won't change. I don't think there's any harm in showing you what inspires me. :) I will obviously have to bargain hunt and restore old items. These nurseries seem so classic and serene. Just timeless. I absolutely love them. Especially the french inspired boy nurseries, and the rose garden girl nurseries. I cannot wait to decorate our own nursery one day.

French Larkspur eclectic kids
French Larkspur eclectic kids
French Larkspur eclectic kids
Pearsons Room traditional kids
Pearsons Room traditional kids