Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1st Beta results are in!

So I had my blood drawn this morning for my beta #'s and my progesterone level. I'm 13dpo and my beta results were 98. The RE said that's pretty low so we'll just hope they double on Friday. Thank GOD for TMP because I would've been freaking out with that # if it wasn't for them. A few of them had lower beta results at the same DPO and their pregnancy was or still is successful! That gives me hope. I haven't had any blood or horrible cramps so I'm praying with all of my heart that this little baby sticks. My progesterone level was at 34.1 and they like anything over 15 so she said that's awesome! I just need to take it easy and rest for now and try to not stress. I'll update you guys on Friday! Please keep your fingers crossed.
Update: One of the girls on TMP showed me this website. It says my numbers are at a range that can lead to a viable pregnancy. It was nice to see the statistics of it.


  1. that's a great number for 13dpo... why do doctors scare people needlessly!?!!?! i was 54 on 12dpo, so that would have put me right around where you are on 13dpo. Progesterone rocks too!!! YAY!

  2. Thanks Kelly! lol, I'm hoping since I got lucky enough to get a BFP on the 1st IUI like you I'll be lucky enough to have a successful pregnancy like you. :) You're my inspiration story!
