Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BETA #4!

20DPO today, Our beta's we're 1237 on Monday so I needed at least 2480 from today's blood work. Results are in and they're at 2500! WOO HOO! That's way higher then my last pregnancy got to! While I had the RE's assistant on the phone I asked what date I am suppose to go by to determine my due date. She plugged in my IUI info and said I'm 4 wks 6 days and due 2/16/12! Which was kind of a relief because it makes more sense that I'm still not having a lot of symptoms since i'm so early still. I'm done getting my blood drawn every 2 days, so hooray for that! My arms are so bruised it's not even funny. Now that I've passed the RE's minimum beta # requirement of 1500 I have my 1st appointment to see him next Tuesday! I'm hoping to see the gestational sac on the ultra sound. Even though my #'s are where they should be, I'm still very cautious. I know anything can happen in these next weeks during the 1st trimester and it's a critical time. I'm just trying to rest and take it easy. Unfortunately my wrist is finally 80% better, so I can kiss DH doing the dishes every day, cleaning, taking care of the dogs and cooking 3 meals a day goodbye. lol. It was nice while it lasted. I bought my 1st pair of maternity shorts today. :) I was going to just buy a regular pair of shorts but didn't want to waste the money if I'm going to continue to grow, so I figured it would be smarter to just buy the comfy maternity ones. If I do end up miscarrying (knock on wood) I'll still use them. They're super cute Bermuda jean shorts! Love them! I don't plan on showing for another 2 months but in Florida it will be hot until November so these bad boys will be put to some good use! I'll continue to buy regular shirts that have some room until I really pop! Then I'll cave and buy maternity shirts. lol. I'll let you guys know how next Tuesday goes! hopefully I'll have my 1st ultrasound pic to show!! :)

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