Saturday, June 11, 2011

BETA #2 results!!

I got my blood work done yesterday morning and they called me last night and said my beta's went from 98 to 290!! woo hoo!! They almost tripled! We we're very happy and excited and are still praying they keep doubling because we know we're not in the clear just because we're pregnant. On the downside, on Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night crying from pain in my wrist. Sunday we went to urgent care and found out it's a ganglion cyst. Since I already took the pregnancy tests and it said positive I turned down any type of pain meds and have just been sucking it up and crying it out ever since. Mike has been having to clean, cook and drive me everywhere this week. Which I told him was God's plan so I can take it easy during implantation. hee hee. Well I saw the Orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he said because I am pregnant there is NOTHING he can do without harming the baby. I have to continue to ice my hand and try to massage it and hope it goes down within 2 weeks. I can barely move my wrist so massaging it is the worst pain ever. So while it is very sucky to be going through pain, it is all worth it if it means keeping this baby safe. I will go through the next 9 months with this pain if needed. here is a picture of my hand.
RIGHT HAND with cyst. :(

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