Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost 11 wks

Things have been going by pretty quick. Especially since my bff from San Diego was here with me for 3 weeks. She just left this Tuesday. I feel so bad since the only thing we were able to do was see a film 2 or 3 times. We had a vacation planned and paid for to go to Savannah, GA. Ummm, yeah...totally had to cancel that!! I have just been throwing up every single day 4x a day and it's just been rough. We had so many food items we planned on cooking and creating and I probably only cooked ONCE!! and I made her help so I didn't puke!! lol. I love her to death for being a good friend and just helping me be as comfortable as possible. Also for her making last minute food runs at all hours of the day and night so I can eat. :) Thank God for BFF's! I had my U/S at 9 wks and my RE said everything looked good. I still have a little amount of uterine blood so I'm still on pelvic rest. Boo!!! The heartbeat was nice and strong. I think last time it was 149 and this time it was 173. We got to see the baby move, they kept bobbing their head. It was amazing and hilarious! Dr said there's nothing else he can do so they thought it was time to discharge me to a regular OBGYN. I seriously teared up in the office and hugged him and his assistant. I was suppose to be with them until I was 16 weeks, not 9. I've been seeing this RE since October and have been through so much with him. I am happy that he felt things looked good enough I don't have to see him anymore, but I will miss them terribly. I'm also sad not to see our little baby every week on the screen. My 1st appointment with my new OBGYN is Aug 1st. I'll be 12 wks. :) I will update you then. :)

Here is a pic of our 9 wk 2 day U/S.
I think it's crazy how fast the baby can grow in just a few weeks. You can see the head, belly, arms and legs!


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