Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So do you remember that lovely silver cross pram I posted about the other day? Well I found one for a reasonable price on craigslist in another city. They're agreeing to meet me half way which is super nice of them. It's in excellent condition and is the exact one or at least very very similar to the $2,000.00+ model Ellen DeGeneres gave to Gwyneth Paltrow! I don't have it in my possession yet, I'm meeting them with Mike on Friday. As soon as I hung up the phone I started screaming and Mike said "Wow, babe, I'm happy for you. I don't think I've ever saw you this happy....not even on our wedding day." and I said " I am happier than I was on our wedding day!!" lol...;) Not really, but it's definitely the second happiest I'll be in my life. My wedding being the first. Once we have a baby it will be the third happiest. I can't believe I'll have my one MUST HAVE item finally. Now I just need a bun in the oven and we'll be set. I will post pics on Friday of my new pram!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!

Here is a pic of the exact pram I'm getting!! I'm praying the sale goes through and the guys doesn't realize it's worth much much more. lol.


  1. How exciting!!!! Glad you got your dream pram and now for a baby to fill it! Come on BFP!

  2. CUTE!!! I can totally see you pushing that around with little mia insdie!
