Friday, May 6, 2011

Life keeps passing me by

Mike has decided to back to school and will start in the fall. I couldn't be more proud because I know it's tough to go back to schoolwork and listening to teachers after being out for so long. Which is exactly why myself have not gone back. :) Guilty. I've wanted to plenty of times but it just seems like I always have a reason not to. For the past 2 1/2 years it's been to have a baby. My mindset is always 'Well I plan on being a stay at home mom, so why would I start school and spend all that money for the semester if I don't plan on going back for years? I'll have forgotten everything anyways.' I don't know why but lately I've just been analyzing where I am in my life. Maybe if I was already pregnant or we had a baby I wouldn't be because I'd be completely content. But I'm not pregnant, and we don't have a baby and I feel like I haven't accomplished anything career wise. I quit my job last June because I couldn't work the 9-5 banking hours and keep making my RE appointments without getting in trouble at work. It's almost been a year and I've been a stay at home wife and babyless. I could have finished 2 semesters by now. At this moment all I feel is regret and I hate that. I know it's up to me to change my life and what path I take and all that other good stuff, but I am at a loss as to how. Some days I really want to go back to school to get a degree and bring a large salary to the table. Then other days I wonder why bother because I'd love to be a stay at home mom. Especially since we've been trying this long, I just want to spend every minute with our child. I remember what it was like to have a mom who worked 3 jobs. I don't want to raise my child like that and thankfully because of my husband, I don't necessarily have to. I guess it just boils down to what the heck do I want to be when I grow up. As crazy as that sounds seeing that I already am grown up...unfortunately. I hate being in these 'let's analyze my life' mood. Hopefully I find the answers I'm looking for sooner than later.

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