Sunday, May 22, 2011


Looks like a GO!! Me and dh went in early this morning and had the follie scan. I have 3 on left all under 10, 1 on right @ 12 and the one that was 13 on Thursday is now 16!! HA HA I know for some of you ladies you're thinking "16? reeeally? My 23 follie will eat your 16 follie for breakfast!" but for me 16 is a HUGE deal. my biggest yet. My RE even did the arm motion for "HOORAY!!" when he measured it. lol. He said they're growing slower but growing none the less. I go back Tuesday for another follie scan and hopefully trigger. Then IUI Thursday. I was worried they still have a chance to stop growing due to pcos but he said when they get to a certain size they like to keep growing to release! Sooo keep your fingers crossed that everything stays on track. It will feel so nice to have an actual completed IUI for once and not just a canceled cycle! I will update you guys Tuesday!!

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