Friday, April 15, 2011

Till next time....

So the femara definitely did not work this cycle. I Have to go back on provera to start AF then going on the highest dose of femara and trying IUI for a 3rd time!. Geesh, it would be nice to actually get to the "IUI" part and not keep having to cancel because the drugs aren't working. Apparently I didn't have to beg much to start the injectables w/IUI. I guess that was our next step if the highest dose doesn't do the trick since clomid didn't work either. He also mentioned IVF later this year if the injectables don't work. I ordered 3 cycles worth. Each 'pen' consists of 14 shots. If anything it will prepare me for a taste of what IVF might be like. But I'm still hoping it doesn't come to that and if it be it. We agreed we'll dig in to TTC debt this year and dig out of it next year. :) I'm so blessed to have a great partner through all of this.


  1. I like the new layout!

    Sorry the Femera didn't work, but I hope the increased dose does the trick. I'm hoping it doesn't come to injectibles, but I've known lots of people that have had success with it and get more than one good egg to try with.

    Best of luck! Always cheering for you guys!

  2. Thanks Kelley! I just want to get to my first actual iui already and cross my fingers I get the same luck you did! lol. :)
