Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dun Dun Dun

So I'm still in follie limbo here. I had two follicles that were at 10mm but they think my body didn't respond to the fertility drug because my uterine lining didn't thicken up. I have to go back on Friday and see if they matured at all. I'm assuming if they did, then we go ahead and continue with the hcg shot and the iui. If not, then we wait till next cycle all over again and up my femara dosage and I am going to ask the RE if I can do injections next cycle. I believe you have to give yourself a shot everyday for 12 days before the IUI and it's an added follicle stimulant. I really hope he says yes because they're running a special price till June on the injections and saving money= GREAT!! Bleh. I was obviously disappointed when leaving the office but it is what it is. I think my main issue is the price of trying to have a baby is really starting to hit. The gas to drive an hour and a half both ways then paying $35 copay to see the RE for 5 minutes, paying for parking, the cost of sonograms, blood work, medication! It's INSANE!! I feel so awful that it's my body that's causing all of this. Telling DH not to buy as much coffee from Dunkin Donuts because I need a refill that costs $40 for 10 pills. Or another blood work bill for $400. I did get a part time job at nights thanks to my good friend Sandra so that will help pay some and I can still keep my appointments. lol, I hate the feeling of working off debt. That's literally what I'll be doing. My entire check will be going towards trying to have this baby. Which don't get me wrong I am happy to do. I just want the day to finally come when I actually can say this was all worth it. I know it will be worth it, I just want that worth to come sooner than later...if that makes sense. Basically I want a friggin baby asap!! :) So God, if you're listening...PLEEEEEAAAAAASE bless us with a baby. Trust me, we're ready and promise to never take that child for granted. Mike and I went for a walk with our little dog Lola and she would run to him and get so excited and he'd baby talk to her like a psycho owner would. All I could think was how great of parents we will be. How I wish it was our child who was running to him and not the dog. Especially since we've been having to wait this long!! Longing for a child for over two years will in my opinion make us appreciate our child even more. I'll update you all Friday! Thanks for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. Well two are better than none right? I don't know the link off the top of my head but there are a few free discount prescription cards out there. Good luck!
