Saturday, November 20, 2010

HSG results update

So I had my HSG done yesterday and let me start by saying it was one of the most painful experiences I have ever had.  When they started inflating the balloon in my uterus the cramping was near unbearable.  I felt like I was on the verge of tears the entire time.  To make matters worst when he was done and we looked at the results on the screen the iodine went all the way through my right tube and not through my left. My left tube is blocked. While in the office I was trying not to be emotional. I was sitting there just feeling overwhelmed with frustration. Waiting for this storm to go away and the sun to come up already. I was already diagnosed with PCOS which makes it where I already don't ovulate regularly, but now on the chance that I do in fact ovulate I have a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant. First I have to ovulate. then I have to hope and pray it's on my right side since it's not blocked. Those are some shitty chances. My RE said I'll need surgery in January to unblock my left tube and see what's going on down there.  On the way home Mike explained it was actually better that they found something to explain why we're not getting pregnant than them saying "everything looks great! no idea why you're not able to conceive."  Which is very true. But at the same time, now I have the surgery in January, have to recover and do follow ups to make sure everything is all clear, then start trying again hopefully by March.  If I get pregnant in April we still won't meet our baby till 2012!!  This whole process is just more difficult than we've ever imagined.  All those years of being a control freak making itineraries and schedules has come back to haunt me.  I have no control over this situation and it kills me inside.  To be helpless and vulnerable is not one of my strong points.  I like having a plan but it looks like God is showing me who's boss and that he is the only one who knows our plan.  The only thing we can do now is pray.

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