Monday, November 8, 2010

Day in Tampa

When me and Mike went to Savannah earlier this year we tasted Spatzel for the first time and it was delicious.  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a German noodle dish.  We then had it again at Epcot and Mike has been craving German food ever since.  We found a German restaurant in Tampa called Schnitzelhaus and decided to make it a day trip. Some good food, check. shopping at the International Plaza,check. Sounds like my kind of day!!  Mike's been so busy with traveling and playing Starcraft, I thought it would be so nice if we didn't use the computers till after dinner.  Just me and Mike time.... Buuut it turns out we just can't get away from that game!!.  It followed us to Tampa. lol.
We really did have a great day together. For any of you that live in Florida, Schnitzelhaus is a must! The owner is very nice and be ready for constant bad jokes. lol. they're so bad it's funny.   We hope to spend a day in Tampa every month and make a visit to Schnitzelhaus!  As always, here's some pics of our food. ha ha did you really think I wouldn't have pictures??

 The decor was very German. Go figure.
 so Emo.
 best potato pancake ever!! ha ha I took a piece off before taking a picture but snuck it back in there!! :)
 Sourdough bread made with a decade old starter. yumm.
 Weinerschnitzel and Spatzel. Holy Yumm!!
 jagerschnitzel and Spatzel. Basically the same as above but smothered in mushrooms and a cream sauce!! My new fave!!

To top off our day we ran around looking for new phones.  Went to all of the carriers in the mall and finally decided to stick with Tmobile and hook ourselves up with some new Androids!! Best Christmas present to each other ever! we Love Love Love them! And best of all we can do video chat when he's out of town.  So now I can annoy him even when he's 3,000 miles away!! SUCCESS!!! =P  Oh yeah I almost forgot about the BEST part of our day!! (Insert sarcasm here)  Me and Mike we're inside Sanrio (OF COURSE I have to buy hello kitty stuff when I get the chance!!) and I'm paying for my items then suddenly I hear "THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN!!!" I turn my head and there is what was once a full cup of ice coffee ALL oooover the wood floor inside Sanrio.  I was mortified. The girl behind the counter did not look amused. ha ha ha poor Mike. All that came out was "I'll clean it up."  I'm sure little girls we're mad because it literally spilled everywhere you couldn't walk across the store.  He probably stopped at least 4 girls from looking at the hello kitty school supplies. The best part of it was when we walk out of the store I turn to him and give him that "I can't believe you did that" look, and he says "Mike one, Hello Kitty Zeeero!" I couldn't help but laugh! I love him.  Even though he did make a mess in HK's house!

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