Monday, November 29, 2010

Bowling and Amnesia

So this weekend after my SIL's baby shower we decided to go bowling since we had company in town.  There's really not much to do here so bowling was one of our only options.  Of course I have to sprain my finger half way through bowling.  Leave it to me to hurt my finger in the stupid ball holes!! who does that? I had to attempt to bowl with my left hand the rest of the time and that was an epic fail.  Kyle whooped every ones butts for sure.  After bowling our guests wanted to go to a bar. ha ha for those of you who know me and Mike, we are not exactly the clubbin type.  We went to a place that was called Amnesia.  It was dark and played rap and R&B.  The bathrooms had glow in the dark sinks and faucets and the bar had girls hula hooping in corsets above your head. shoot me now.  If one of those chicks hoola hooped over my head one more time while I was sitting at the bar I would've pushed one off!  It was soooo annoying having them run across trying to not step on anyones hands. I personally wish I had amnesia about that night but our guests had a good time and that's all that matters. :)

 Kyle..don't know what's up with his expression. lol

 Gutter Ball!!!!!!!!!!!!

 This picture is waaay better after I edited it. lol. I turned Mikes obscene symbol into holding a loaf of bread. ha ha. take that Mike!!
 just me and my schmoops.
 Can you guess which two are drunk??
 Annoying hula hooping girl!! 
Britney, Kyle, Mike
 We got home at midnight and these drunkies decided to jump in the 65 degree pool. needless to say they jumped right out!

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