Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to dieting

So due to my PCOS I have to watch what I eat to keep my insulin down.  If my insulin goes down then it raises my chances of ovulating so I have to stop being selfish in eating whatever I want and get back to the PCOS diet so we can have a baby.  The diet I'm on consists of chicken, fish, berries, nuts, eggs, cheese and lots of veggies.  I'll be trying to eat as minimally processed foods as possible. It's basically a low carb diet. The only carbs I'm eating are from the nuts and fruit so good carbs. :) eventually down the road I'll be able to add in whole grain foods once my insulin is at normal level.  It's really hard with the holidays around the corner.  I'll have to make sure if I do cheat to watch my portions.  As a last hurrah me and Mike ate Gyros last night...mMm those are always my last hurrah! They're soo delicious at this Greek restaurant here in town. Mike will be doing low calorie again and we're starting up the CP to 5k plan this week.  Ha ha starting from week 1 all over again! We went way too long without doing it so I'd rather start from the beginning and recondition.  I'm so glad we're doing this together.  It's so depressing living in a state where majority of the population is over 50 and some of them have better bodies then us!! kill me now! I saw this lady who had to be in her 50's and she was a size 2 and toned. Here we are in our 20's with a gut!! lol. I weighed in this morning at 182.8.  I'll post next Monday with an update on mine and Mikes weight loss. TTFN! (ta ta for now.) 

update 11/24 -Well I was doing really well last week until Friday and it was downhill from there. On Thursday I got to 178.6 and today I weigh 181.4  lol, still 1 lb down but it could've been more.  Needless to say we did NOT start CP to 5k. ugh, what a bunch of LAZIES we are!!! Everyday it was literally "I'm so tired, we'll do it tomorrow. But we HAVE to do it tomorrow ok!?!" and the other would be like "yeah me too, yes tomorrow for sure! we HAAAVE to!!" and then we'd do something lame and double high five or something!  ha ha yeah that literally was the drill for 4 days straight until we kind of just stopped mentioning it and never attempted it. lol. it's sad.  Turkey day is tomorrow, I won't recommit to dieting until next Monday. lol.

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