Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So do you remember that lovely silver cross pram I posted about the other day? Well I found one for a reasonable price on craigslist in another city. They're agreeing to meet me half way which is super nice of them. It's in excellent condition and is the exact one or at least very very similar to the $2,000.00+ model Ellen DeGeneres gave to Gwyneth Paltrow! I don't have it in my possession yet, I'm meeting them with Mike on Friday. As soon as I hung up the phone I started screaming and Mike said "Wow, babe, I'm happy for you. I don't think I've ever saw you this happy....not even on our wedding day." and I said " I am happier than I was on our wedding day!!" lol...;) Not really, but it's definitely the second happiest I'll be in my life. My wedding being the first. Once we have a baby it will be the third happiest. I can't believe I'll have my one MUST HAVE item finally. Now I just need a bun in the oven and we'll be set. I will post pics on Friday of my new pram!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!

Here is a pic of the exact pram I'm getting!! I'm praying the sale goes through and the guys doesn't realize it's worth much much more. lol.

Monday, May 30, 2011

My nursery inspirations

Yes yes, I know I'm not even pregnant yet...But I have always imagined our nursery looking something like these and that won't change. I don't think there's any harm in showing you what inspires me. :) I will obviously have to bargain hunt and restore old items. These nurseries seem so classic and serene. Just timeless. I absolutely love them. Especially the french inspired boy nurseries, and the rose garden girl nurseries. I cannot wait to decorate our own nursery one day.

French Larkspur eclectic kids
French Larkspur eclectic kids
French Larkspur eclectic kids
Pearsons Room traditional kids
Pearsons Room traditional kids

Sunday, May 29, 2011

That MUST have item for your baby

So I'm sure everyone has that "MUST HAVE" item for when you have a baby. Whether it's a replica of an item you had as a child or certain nursery decor you fell in love with. My secret MUST HAVE item is a vintage pram. I know that's probably weird but back in 2003 I was watching the Ellen DeGeneres show and Gwyneth Paltrow was her guest and was gifted a pram. I will always remember that episode. I immediately fell in love with it. It just has such a classic look to it. I always knew if we ever had a baby a pram would be #1 on my list. I wasn't even married at this time and knew this is what I wanted to push my baby in someday. Something about antique and vintage items just make my heart skip a beat. I truly think I was born in the wrong century. lol. Here is a pic of a vintage silver cross pram. They run in the $$thousands$$ but I have been on a craigslist hunt for them since 2009. Each one I have found have been between $300-$2,000 but they have had some type of tear, or are way too expensive. I want something in great condition so it can become a family heirloom. Whether we get pregnant this year or not I have decided that is the one item I MUST buy to have on hand.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

2 DPIUI (Days past IUI)

And I'm driving myself crazy manifesting all of my thoughts on this cycle. lol. I seriously need to STOP looking at baby stuff online. June 7th needs to hurry up and get here. I don't have any symptoms as of yet which it's way too early to have them anyways. Sigh...I don't know how I'm going to stay sane during this 2WW. I'm usually patient..apparently not with this.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

IUI complete! 2WW I'm here!

Woo Hoo I had my IUI this morning! Everything went great, although Mikes head grew ginormous when the RE seemed very impressed with his semen sample. LOL. The Doctor let us look at the sample under the microscope and it was sooo crazy!! It was a drip on a slide and there were thousands swimming around on that thing. My RE had the genius idea to use the word 'perfect' to describe them. You can all imagine what that does to a man's self esteem. HA HA I told Mike I hope it works and he replied with "Did you hear the Doctor? My guys are perfect...they'll find their way!" Then on the car ride home he puts his hand above my stomach and does a 'sprinkling' motion and says "Just giving you some baby dust!" HA HA HA don't even ask me where the heck he learned the term baby dust because I sure as hell didn't teach him that. After the IUI I had really painful cramps, to the point where I could barely walk. It was only on my right side which is where my follicle is so I assume they're ovulation pains and I'm just not used to that. I'm not one who feels 'O' pains. I was originally going to pee the trigger shot out because then your test gets lighter and you know the trigger shot is out of your system, then when you keep testing and it gets darker...You're pregnant!!! Buuut my RE requested I not do that and just wait until AF comes..or 12 days. So my testing date is Monday June 7th. I obviously am praying this is it, but even if it's not we know that the femara at least works to make me ovulate and my lining is a whopping 11 so there's always next cycle. Each time we do the IUI our chances are increased so I have faith that sometime this year we WILL get our baby! I know it's weird but I feel kind of serene. I'm not stressed out at all and I'm just happy. I'm hopeful. I know Mike doesn't blame me for any of our trying to conceive problems and that we'll be together forever. I know in my heart God has a plan and whenever he thinks we are ready for a baby he will bless us with one. I'll keep you guys posted on any preggy symptoms I have. Although they very well could be in my head, I'll post them none the less!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Triggered last night!

I had my 3rd follie scan yesterday and my follie is now at 18 and my lining is at 11!! That is my thickest yet! Nice and plump waiting to grab on to an eggie!! :) I am beyond excited to have my 1st IUI tomorrow morning. A sigh of relief to not have another canceled cycle. An actual chance to be in the game. My first 2WW in 7 months. I don't even remember how it feels to have that excitement and anxiety of a 2WW. lol. I know it will hurt 100x more if I go into this thinking it will work and it doesn't. But at the same time it's been 7 MONTHS that I haven't gotten to feel this way! lol. So now I have 7 months of hope and excitement that's been stored away for that 2WW. I'm prepared to take my chances of the hurt but for now I just want to feel hopeful and have faith that maybe just maybe God is ready to bless us. 2 1/2 years seems like a long enough wait to me. :) Please if you're reading this, pray for us. If you're not religious just keep your fingers crossed...and toes too...and the days you're not having sex, your legs!!...what? I need all the crossing I can get here!! tee hee hee.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Looks like a GO!! Me and dh went in early this morning and had the follie scan. I have 3 on left all under 10, 1 on right @ 12 and the one that was 13 on Thursday is now 16!! HA HA I know for some of you ladies you're thinking "16? reeeally? My 23 follie will eat your 16 follie for breakfast!" but for me 16 is a HUGE deal. my biggest yet. My RE even did the arm motion for "HOORAY!!" when he measured it. lol. He said they're growing slower but growing none the less. I go back Tuesday for another follie scan and hopefully trigger. Then IUI Thursday. I was worried they still have a chance to stop growing due to pcos but he said when they get to a certain size they like to keep growing to release! Sooo keep your fingers crossed that everything stays on track. It will feel so nice to have an actual completed IUI for once and not just a canceled cycle! I will update you guys Tuesday!!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Soo I had my appointment yesterday and it was good and bad. Bad because we have to wait till Sunday to see where we go from here and still don't have an answer. Good because my uterine lining thickened back up to 8 when it used to be at 5. Also good because I have ONE follicle measuring 13mm which is my biggest yet! The past two cycles I haven't had anything over 10. We will go back Sunday and see if the follicle continued to grow. If it did, we'll continue with the IUI on Monday or Tuesday! I'm at least relieved my lining is thick again because that lessens my chances for another miscarriage and I'll take all the precautions I can get. I just found out today that my friends daughter got pregnant on her first IUI attempt. She also has been TTC for a very long time and has experienced a MC as well. So that's 2 people I know that have had success the first try. Dear Lord, let me be next!! :) On another note, here are pictures of the cupcake order I did for a baby shower today. I made everything you see in the picture. :)

I think they came out super cute. Hopefully ppl at her shower like them and I get some business. I know graduation is right around the corner! Well until Sunday, ta ta for now.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My foots in the door, just got to walk through it.

So word of mouth is a great thing. :) From doing the baptism cake I am doing another wedding Anniversary cake next month. Hooray! Also the girl I made the baptism cake for is a violin teacher and she offered one of her students a piece of leftover baptism cake and the lady enjoyed it so much that she might have me do a sweet sixteen cake next month! Do you know how many potential clients might be at a sweet sixteen?? If those girls like the cake they'll be asking their parents to hire me! The funniest thing was the lady who was asking about me also has a girlfriend who bakes cakes from home. lol, She'd rather recommend me then her own girlfriend. That made me feel good about my cakes. :) She also mentioned having me and her girlfriend meet because her GF is wanting to start a business so maybe, just maybe I won't just be getting my feet wet in this whole cake baking but I'll straight up be SOAKED!! I don't want to get my hopes up but here's to hoping. :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

My first cake order

Here are the pictures of my first cake order. A baptism cake and a wedding anniversary cake.

I have a cupcake order this weekend so I'll post pics then! :)

On a TTC note, I have my follicle scan on Thursday and that's pretty much the deciding factor of where we go from here.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hopefully just the beginning.

So as some of you know my mother in law who is awesome gave me a million baking items for Christmas along with the Wilton Ultimate decorating set with 177 pieces and she gave me $$ for my birthday which I was able to purchase all 3 cake decorating classes Wilton offers. Well here is a big fat thanks mom because you might have just created an even bigger cake monster. Before I go any further, here is a long overdue picture of my final cake design for my fondant class. I was so happy with how this cake turned out I didn't even want to eat it!..but you know we did. :)

It's no secret I already liked to bake but it's really satisfying baking a cake for other people and seeing their reaction to the final product. It's even nicer when you make a cake for a party and one of their friends says they'll pay you to do their daughters baptism cake next weekend! AND their parents wedding anniversary cake! That's right, I have TWO cake orders! AND they want me to photograph the baby's baptism and do their family pictures. Also I'm trying to do a maternity and new born shoot sometime this month. woo hoo!! Man, God must have been listening when I was crying writing my last post about not knowing what to do with my life. I know it's just 2 cakes and some pictures but you never know, word of mouth can go a long way sometimes. Now if he would just answer my baby prayers we'd be all set. Here are some pictures of the Blue's Clues cake I made for my friends sons 1st birthday. It's a cannoli cake and was delicious...If i do say so myself. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Life keeps passing me by

Mike has decided to back to school and will start in the fall. I couldn't be more proud because I know it's tough to go back to schoolwork and listening to teachers after being out for so long. Which is exactly why myself have not gone back. :) Guilty. I've wanted to plenty of times but it just seems like I always have a reason not to. For the past 2 1/2 years it's been to have a baby. My mindset is always 'Well I plan on being a stay at home mom, so why would I start school and spend all that money for the semester if I don't plan on going back for years? I'll have forgotten everything anyways.' I don't know why but lately I've just been analyzing where I am in my life. Maybe if I was already pregnant or we had a baby I wouldn't be because I'd be completely content. But I'm not pregnant, and we don't have a baby and I feel like I haven't accomplished anything career wise. I quit my job last June because I couldn't work the 9-5 banking hours and keep making my RE appointments without getting in trouble at work. It's almost been a year and I've been a stay at home wife and babyless. I could have finished 2 semesters by now. At this moment all I feel is regret and I hate that. I know it's up to me to change my life and what path I take and all that other good stuff, but I am at a loss as to how. Some days I really want to go back to school to get a degree and bring a large salary to the table. Then other days I wonder why bother because I'd love to be a stay at home mom. Especially since we've been trying this long, I just want to spend every minute with our child. I remember what it was like to have a mom who worked 3 jobs. I don't want to raise my child like that and thankfully because of my husband, I don't necessarily have to. I guess it just boils down to what the heck do I want to be when I grow up. As crazy as that sounds seeing that I already am grown up...unfortunately. I hate being in these 'let's analyze my life' mood. Hopefully I find the answers I'm looking for sooner than later.