Tuesday, February 22, 2011

IUI cancelled. BOO!!!

So IUI this month was canceled. I drove around for 3 hours after my appointment to just soak in everything. lol. So I'm pretty calm about it now. First off according to RE PCOS won this round.  I have a bunch of follicles but every single one of them are too underdeveloped. Not one single mature/dominant follie or even close. Secondly the clomid did not work this cycle and it instead thinned my lining.  I should have asked more questions while there but I was in such dismay after hearing the news I just went into shock instead. I'm assuming the iui was canceled because 1) There's no chance my follies can catch up anyways or 2) My Doctor doesn't want to risk all of my underdeveloped follies catching up and releasing and ending up an octomom.  I held in my tears in front of RE but it broke my heart not being able to do our first iui this month.  As soon as I got to my car the waterworks turned on.  It's just yet another obstacle in our ttc course.  Mike was such a sweetheart and calmed me down.  He always knows what to say to make me feel better. Sooo our next plan of action is wait out this cycle (I'm cd11) and start provera cd35 if AF doesn't show. No more clomid, moving onto femara which I know nothing about so I'll be asking my TMP girls when the time comes.  I'm going to continue to diet, exercise and take metformin so pcos can kiss my ass!! As much as a disappointment it was to hear this cycle was canceled my bff told me "Don't worry. It's just your first cycle. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the next one!" At first I was thinking 'first cycle? is she crazy?' Then I realized 'you know what? after my corrective surgery it is my first cycle.' When I think of it like that it doesn't seem too bad. Not to mention we have been waiting this long so what is another month. Also before, I was so concentrated on 'If I don't get pregnant by March I won't meet our baby till 2012!!' but my friend Kelly made a good point and said " Trust me, you won't care about the 2012 date because you will be enjoying your 9 months of pregnancy so much, you won't want to wish a single day away." Those words seriously hit home. It's so true. So yes this month was a bust, but there's always next month and the month after that..and after that...and after that..but hopefully God willing it won't take many more after that. :)  That's it for our TTC news. I'll keep ya'll posted.

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