Saturday, February 12, 2011


I cannot even explain the excitement when I realized AF was here. lol. I felt like a kid at Christmas who just got a present.  AF to me right now only means one thing....IUI time baby!!  So starting Monday I'll be taking the clomid and cd 11 is my follie check. This is soooo surreal to me I can't even begin to tell you.  I would've never thought I'd be in this position manually planning a pregnancy.  Not conceiving naturally but having a Doctors office help me get pregnant.  I remember being a kid and hearing about women who have trouble getting pregnant and have to go through all of this and IVF and surrogate and I just felt terrible for them.  And now I'm one of them.  I obviously wish I wasn't in this situation and was able to conceive naturally but the body is a tricky thing and so is life.  If doing this IUI is how God wants me to get pregnant then bring it on.  I will do whatever it takes.  I'll keep you guys posted on how my follie check goes!

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