Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling good

So I was able to do the whole 30 day shred video day 2 the other day.  It still kicked my butt and I took a few 5 second breaks here and there but I finished it none the less! woo hoo! I am starting to feel pretty good.  More energetic (which is probably from the 7 vitamins I'm taking) and can see my stomach getting a little flatter every week.  My weigh in is in 2 days.  I'm hoping I made it to my goal of 175.  Then my next goal will be 170 by March 15th. I think with my dieting and the 30 day shred it's definitely doable.  On another note me and Mike went shopping all day Saturday! It was so nice out we couldn't stay inside. We drove to Tampa (hour drive) to enjoy our day.  I bought my fourth pair of TOMS at Nordstroms because they had an exclusive nude glitter shoe that is adorable!! I just had to get them.  Plus a child gets a pair of shoes so really I'm helping instead of shopping right? lol.
Look how cute these are!! I love love love them. I think my next shoe will be the navy blue mycats because they plant two trees for every pair you buy.  

Friday, February 25, 2011

GAH my body is dead

Day 2.....unable to do 30 day shred due to the fact that my body is dead. :/  I am taking a little recovery day today and will be back at it tomorrow morning! I also bought some multivitamins from GNC to take while on the 30 day shred program.  Hoping it gives me even greater results.  It's such a feeling of relief to have a plan and actually have control over it.  Not knowing what's to come with ttc is so overwhelming but knowing I control my weight loss goals is even more motivation to want to achieve them.  I want control of some part of my life again.  Might as well be the part that makes me healthy and active again.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

30 day shred

Sooo I was reading a lot last night about PCOS and it motivated me to get into shape.  If there is anything I can do to help defeat it I'm going to do it.  I started day 1 of 30 day shred.  I've done it in the past but only got to day 12 or 15 and then quit.  Never even got to level 2. Well let me start by saying I couldn't even finish the dvd! it was mortifying how out of shape I actually am.  I didn't have it in me to do the last 4 minutes! All I kept doing was yelling at Jillian Michaels to shut up and that I hate her!  I'm going to push through it this time and not stop.  I'm doing the entire 30 days! I've been doing low carb for 3 weeks now.  I started Feb 2nd at 184 and today Feb 24th I'm 177.8. so 6 lbs in 3 weeks seems pretty healthy.  I'm trying to do things right and not rapidly because I don't want it coming back.  I can't wait to see if I lose more with the diet and exercise combined.  My weigh ins are every Wednesday so I'll keep ya'll posted.  I'm sure you'll here me complain about Jillian in the next few days as well. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

IUI cancelled. BOO!!!

So IUI this month was canceled. I drove around for 3 hours after my appointment to just soak in everything. lol. So I'm pretty calm about it now. First off according to RE PCOS won this round.  I have a bunch of follicles but every single one of them are too underdeveloped. Not one single mature/dominant follie or even close. Secondly the clomid did not work this cycle and it instead thinned my lining.  I should have asked more questions while there but I was in such dismay after hearing the news I just went into shock instead. I'm assuming the iui was canceled because 1) There's no chance my follies can catch up anyways or 2) My Doctor doesn't want to risk all of my underdeveloped follies catching up and releasing and ending up an octomom.  I held in my tears in front of RE but it broke my heart not being able to do our first iui this month.  As soon as I got to my car the waterworks turned on.  It's just yet another obstacle in our ttc course.  Mike was such a sweetheart and calmed me down.  He always knows what to say to make me feel better. Sooo our next plan of action is wait out this cycle (I'm cd11) and start provera cd35 if AF doesn't show. No more clomid, moving onto femara which I know nothing about so I'll be asking my TMP girls when the time comes.  I'm going to continue to diet, exercise and take metformin so pcos can kiss my ass!! As much as a disappointment it was to hear this cycle was canceled my bff told me "Don't worry. It's just your first cycle. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the next one!" At first I was thinking 'first cycle? is she crazy?' Then I realized 'you know what? after my corrective surgery it is my first cycle.' When I think of it like that it doesn't seem too bad. Not to mention we have been waiting this long so what is another month. Also before, I was so concentrated on 'If I don't get pregnant by March I won't meet our baby till 2012!!' but my friend Kelly made a good point and said " Trust me, you won't care about the 2012 date because you will be enjoying your 9 months of pregnancy so much, you won't want to wish a single day away." Those words seriously hit home. It's so true. So yes this month was a bust, but there's always next month and the month after that..and after that...and after that..but hopefully God willing it won't take many more after that. :)  That's it for our TTC news. I'll keep ya'll posted.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I cannot even explain the excitement when I realized AF was here. lol. I felt like a kid at Christmas who just got a present.  AF to me right now only means one thing....IUI time baby!!  So starting Monday I'll be taking the clomid and cd 11 is my follie check. This is soooo surreal to me I can't even begin to tell you.  I would've never thought I'd be in this position manually planning a pregnancy.  Not conceiving naturally but having a Doctors office help me get pregnant.  I remember being a kid and hearing about women who have trouble getting pregnant and have to go through all of this and IVF and surrogate and I just felt terrible for them.  And now I'm one of them.  I obviously wish I wasn't in this situation and was able to conceive naturally but the body is a tricky thing and so is life.  If doing this IUI is how God wants me to get pregnant then bring it on.  I will do whatever it takes.  I'll keep you guys posted on how my follie check goes!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

let's get this ball rolling

Well, my chart shows no signs of ovulation and I'm on CD 29 today.  It's safe to go ahead and start the aygestion to jump start AF.  She should hopefully arrive in the next 15 days and then from there we can start the clomid and the IUI.  I don't want to get my hopes too high but I really am praying this works for us. After everything we've been through this has to be our time right? I don't know why but I have a lot of faith our time will come soon.  During December I was so sad thinking about if I don't get pregnant by March I won't meet our baby till 2012! That seems so far away.  But after having the successful surgery and a game plan, I really don't mind if we don't meet our baby till 2012.  Just as long as we meet our baby someday! I'm very optimistic of what's to come and I haven't felt this way in awhile. lol, I hope God isn't toying with my emotions. But that's what faith is right? To trust. And I trust God.

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown