Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moving on to the minor leagues

Just got back from my post op with RE. Got my stitches taken out from my lap surgery on the 17th. Everything is great, my tube isn't blocked anymore but he said their is still a slight chance that if the egg runs through that tube, it can get stuck.  He also repaired my endo so everything is a GO! So RE recommends we move forward with IUI. I'm very excited and scared at the same time. Excited because I think that's awesome that they'll be able to see what side I'm ovulating on and it really takes the guess work out of things and also because it's a higher percent of getting a BFP then good old fashion BDing. Not by much, but I'll take any extra percentage I can get. Next step is starting ayegestin once I'm at cd 35, clomid cd 3-7, HCG shot on cd 11 and then come back in for IUI the morning of the 12th. Then according to RE "watching my pregnancy like a hawk". I'm scared because who knows how many cycles of IUI it will take and I'm not employed right now. It's been nice not working the last 6 months but I think I should look for another job to help pay off these medical bills. My only dilemma is what to apply for. With all of these RE appts coming up I'll need something with flexibility. I was working at a bank prior but banks aren't flexible with schedules and they're 9-5 which is doc appt time frame. Before that I was assistant manager at a sports store..but that involved lifting heavy boxes and display mannequins and stress which is the last thing I'd want while pregnant and resulting in another miscarriage. Ugh, I just need to play the lotto!!  Hoping it doesn't take many cycles to get prego.  We're doing at most 5 IUI's then moving on to the major leagues, IVF! But we're praying it doesn't come to that.  Keep your fingers crossed!

On another note, I'm going to Barry and Jessi's for dinner because DH is out of town.  I'm also going to take more pictures of my pretty little niece and I'll post those tomorrow.  Can't wait for the day to take a billion pics of our own little one. :)

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