Friday, December 10, 2010

New Haircut

So I'm doing the Holiday Biggest Loser on TMP and this week I lost 3 lbs so I treated myself to a new haircut! I haven't had bangs since I was 5 but I figured since I act 5 it's only fitting. :) Ha Ha I walk in and Mike says "wow, you really look asian now." followed by "You look like such a hipster." lol, all I could think was "ummmm....thanks?"  I do however offically look like my mother.  Which it's funny because when I was younger I didn't want to look like her but now that I'm older I LOVE that I look like her. We both have big cheeks that droop a little. Our left eye is smaller than the right one. Also our 'normal' face always looks like we're mad!! I remember being in the back seat of the car and I can see her eyes in the rearview mirror and I'd say "Mom why are you mad?" and she'd say "I'm not mad." and I'd say "Well you always look mad, no matter what." and she said "THAT'S JUST MY FACE!"...ha ha and now I HAVE that face!!  Our similarities make me that much happier because when she's gone I can just see her features in me. corny, but true. Love ya mom!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Family Photos

After 100 photos with a tripod and the dogs, only 1 was usable and they weren't even facing the camera!! lol. never again! We did manage a few good pics of me and Mike and the baby Lola. :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bowling and Amnesia

So this weekend after my SIL's baby shower we decided to go bowling since we had company in town.  There's really not much to do here so bowling was one of our only options.  Of course I have to sprain my finger half way through bowling.  Leave it to me to hurt my finger in the stupid ball holes!! who does that? I had to attempt to bowl with my left hand the rest of the time and that was an epic fail.  Kyle whooped every ones butts for sure.  After bowling our guests wanted to go to a bar. ha ha for those of you who know me and Mike, we are not exactly the clubbin type.  We went to a place that was called Amnesia.  It was dark and played rap and R&B.  The bathrooms had glow in the dark sinks and faucets and the bar had girls hula hooping in corsets above your head. shoot me now.  If one of those chicks hoola hooped over my head one more time while I was sitting at the bar I would've pushed one off!  It was soooo annoying having them run across trying to not step on anyones hands. I personally wish I had amnesia about that night but our guests had a good time and that's all that matters. :)

 Kyle..don't know what's up with his expression. lol

 Gutter Ball!!!!!!!!!!!!

 This picture is waaay better after I edited it. lol. I turned Mikes obscene symbol into holding a loaf of bread. ha ha. take that Mike!!
 just me and my schmoops.
 Can you guess which two are drunk??
 Annoying hula hooping girl!! 
Britney, Kyle, Mike
 We got home at midnight and these drunkies decided to jump in the 65 degree pool. needless to say they jumped right out!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jessi's baby shower

My SIL Jessi is having our first neice Molly in January.  We could not be happier for them and wanted to do something to show her how much she is loved.  I contacted her mom and bff Jen and let them know I wanted to throw a surprise baby shower for Jess.  We emailed back and forth for months figuring out the date, time, menu, strategy to get her out of the house and excuses to use with the cars in the driveway. lol. It was a beautiful intimate shower and I'm so happy it turned out well. Here are the pics.

 made baby shape cookies with royal frosting
 made the favors: chocolate cake balls dipped in chocolate
 baby shower brunch (mimosa not pictured..but it was there!!)

 Jessi's 'why the heck are you taking pictures of me when I'm entering my house?' face.
"Ooooooh a surprise party!!!!"
 Crystal bought bibs and fabric markers for everyone to decorate a bib for Molly.
 diaper diva
 cutie pie
 rawr feed me!!
 robot and Charlie
 The bib I will have Molly wear when I'm watching her. lol.
 diaper game, guess which poop is real. juuust kidding. It's chocolate people!!

 made a cloth diaper cake

Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day and Black Friday

Mikes friend Kyle and his girlfriend Brittany drove down from North Carolina to visit for Thanksgiving till Sunday.  We all went to Barry and Jessi's house this year along with her family who was visiting from New York. There were 11 people in the house, 2 tables put together and a ton of delicious food.  Jessi made the most moist turkey I have ever had. I made sure to get the brine recipe.  I was just on dessert and ham duty while Jessi handled everything else. Kudos to her for hosting such a great get together. Like I always say, I am very forgetful, so of course I didn't remember to take pictures of the yummy food until after it's 3/4 way gone and the leftovers are put away in the fridge. doh!! Here is what I managed to take. lol......

 bacon stuffed mushrooms
 Jessi's apple pie made with lard. super flaky yum yums.
 My Oreo cheesecake with chocolate ganache.
 best brined turkey ever!!
 Karen's pumpkin bread
Mike and Kyle being silly. On the floor at Barry and Jessi's house for everyone to see.
 Mike trying to grab Kyles legs and do a weird bash.
 did I mention how much I love him lately?
Jessi knows how to train the men in her life!! Good Job Boys!!

After all of the eating we went back home and I attempted to sleep which led to only two hours before I had to get up at midnight to get in line with all of the other crazy people.  I went to SEARS to get the washer and dryer pair for $599 they had advertised.  I literally was there by 12:20 and there was already a line.  I asked what everyone was in line for and of course it was the washer/dryer and they only had 4 per store.  I then asked what time did everyone line up and the response was "6p.m. last night" holy crap! They definitely deserve that washer/dryer pair.  I was obviously bummed but I just said "Well good luck" and walked away.  As I was walking away one of the crazies in line screamed "well if you wanted the washer and dryer you should've lined up last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I just turned around and waved and said "Thanks, have a great day!" lol. Must be all of those years in customer service you just get used to idiots. ha ha. whatever. HHGREGG was right down the street and had a pair for $799. It was $200 more than SEARS but it was still saving hundreds of dollars regardless.  I got there by 12:30a.m. and they had a line. But luckily for me it was a line for laptops and t.v.'s.  I sat on the concrete by myself playing angry birds till 4 a.m. when the store opened.   Here's the kicker. and don't tell my husband please or I'll never live it down.  At about 3:45 a.m. they send out the sales team to hand out tickets to the first people in line so you are guaranteed to get what you waited hours for!! They get to me and say "What is the door buster item you're waiting for?" and I reply with "umm..ahem, the Whirlpool washer dryer pair for $799." and the guy looks at me and says "Oh that's not a door buster deal we have 20 of them." Imagine my face change from tired and hopeful to straight pissed!! lmao. Are you seriously telling me I've been sitting on concrete for 31/2 hours for nothing!! ahhhhh!!!! sigh...again. whateeeeeeever! What's done is done.  The pair was advertised on the front page of the black friday ad.  I could only assume it was a door buster.  I didn't even end up getting the Whirlpool set. They were an entry level base model and if we're spending the money I want a nice set.  We got a samsung pair instead that was mid level and we still saved $500. works for me!  Even though I waited for a long period of time that was unnecessary I'm still happy we got a new set and don't have to worry about cleaning up water from our previous washer leaking every cycle.