Sunday, July 31, 2011

12 weeks!

Almost into the 2nd tri! I have my first appt with my new OBGYN tomorrow and hopefully an U/S so I'll definitely update! This week was tricky. I'd go most of the morning and afternoon feeling good and thinking my symptoms were finally dying down, then night time hits and I'll trow up 4 times in 2 hours! I think the worst things I've thrown up so far are shrimp and pizza. I'm 1 lb over my pre pregnancy weight so I'm assuming that's good for being almost in the 2nd tri. Hopefully I can stay under 20lbs the entire pregnancy. I bought these super cute pregnancy tracker stickers off of etsy. There is one for every milestone then weekly starting at 36 weeks! Sorry for the poor picture quality. Mike is the worst photo taker ever! And it's just a normal point and shoot camera. UGH! lol.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Almost 11 wks

Things have been going by pretty quick. Especially since my bff from San Diego was here with me for 3 weeks. She just left this Tuesday. I feel so bad since the only thing we were able to do was see a film 2 or 3 times. We had a vacation planned and paid for to go to Savannah, GA. Ummm, yeah...totally had to cancel that!! I have just been throwing up every single day 4x a day and it's just been rough. We had so many food items we planned on cooking and creating and I probably only cooked ONCE!! and I made her help so I didn't puke!! lol. I love her to death for being a good friend and just helping me be as comfortable as possible. Also for her making last minute food runs at all hours of the day and night so I can eat. :) Thank God for BFF's! I had my U/S at 9 wks and my RE said everything looked good. I still have a little amount of uterine blood so I'm still on pelvic rest. Boo!!! The heartbeat was nice and strong. I think last time it was 149 and this time it was 173. We got to see the baby move, they kept bobbing their head. It was amazing and hilarious! Dr said there's nothing else he can do so they thought it was time to discharge me to a regular OBGYN. I seriously teared up in the office and hugged him and his assistant. I was suppose to be with them until I was 16 weeks, not 9. I've been seeing this RE since October and have been through so much with him. I am happy that he felt things looked good enough I don't have to see him anymore, but I will miss them terribly. I'm also sad not to see our little baby every week on the screen. My 1st appointment with my new OBGYN is Aug 1st. I'll be 12 wks. :) I will update you then. :)

Here is a pic of our 9 wk 2 day U/S.
I think it's crazy how fast the baby can grow in just a few weeks. You can see the head, belly, arms and legs!


Friday, July 8, 2011

8 wks 1 day!

Time is just flying by thank goodness. 4 more weeks till we're in the 2nd trimester. This pregnancy has been a lot more rough then I was expecting. I have nausea and heartburn all throughout the day. I get dizzy and bad headaches. I throw up sometimes twice a day. I seriously commend any pregnant woman who has to work full time. I am absolutely miserable all day and couldn't imagine standing on my feet for 8 hours working at the bank. Even a part time job is rough when all you want to do is throw up. lol. I've been losing a lot of hours because of the rain but it's also nice so I can at least be miserable in my own home. :) It will all be worth it in the end. The fact that I'm finally pregnant and going through all of this is a blessing. I am hoping the nausea goes away sooner than later. I can barely stand a 15 minute car ride anymore. I'm only down 3 lbs of my pre pregnancy weight so that's good. I hope the baby is getting enough nutrients. Pre pregnancy I was eating low carb and mostly meat and veggies because I'm pre diabetic and insulin resistant. I can't even stand to look at meat right now. It makes me gag thinking of eating it. The only thing this baby wants is bagels for breakfast and those $1.00 totinos pizza's for lunch..dinner is my biggest challenge yet. We tried shrimp last night and that was not fun coming back up. Worst puking experience of my life. I'll spare you the details. I ended up getting a whey protien smoothie from starbucks and it seemed to work, then an hour later I was nauseous as hell! I just don't know what to eat anymore. Anyways, my next appt is next Tuesday the 12th. I'll be 8 wks and 5 days. We're going to see Mikes grandparents at the end of the month and they've been rooting for us since the get go and know everything we've endured on this ttc journey. We'll be 10 wks so hopefully it's safe to tell them. I think I'm going to frame the latest ultrasound pic we get and gift wrap it for them.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

pukey pukey and heartburn

Soo I've been nauseous throughout the day for the past 2 weeks. Finally at exactly 7 wks I threw up in the evening. It was awful. lol. Very acidic and went for a long period of time. Every time I thought I was done I found myself hugging the toilet bowl one more time. Yesterday was the same thing. Nauseous throughout the day then finally puked at night. I also found out I cannot eat spicy foods anymore without getting really bad heartburn. I put hot sauce on almost everything I eat. Not anymore I guess. As much as it sucks to have a burning throat after puking and lovely heartburn after eating, I seriously am happy to be experiencing it. I finally 'feel' pregnant and I'm loving it. :)