Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not what I was hoping for

GAH! How can I be working out, eating right and gain a lb??!!...I weighed in this morning @ 178.2.  I just don't get it.  I worked out yesterday too.   Mikes parents are in town and we're eating at a Mexican restaurant and a German restaurant this week.  Can't really think of many low carb options for those cuisines...But after those I'll be back on track.  On the bright side I haven't eaten a single slice of the cake I made for my cake course.  I made everything except the stems. It's a moist strawberry cake with fresh strawberry filling and butter cream icing. Just the smell of it is killing me.  But I really need to control my sugar to get my pcos under control. :(  I'm going to take my measurements after his parents leave next week and start from scratch. 


  1. That cake is beautiful and sounds so yummy!

    Don't worry about the lb. When I started the 30 day shred it took like a week to start seeing it on the scale. Your body is in shock at first.

  2. Thanks Kelly! I'll try my best to keep at it. lol. It get's so discouraging when you don't see results but I guess I really won't see results if I stop. ;P
