Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weekly weigh in

Weigh in 177.6lb. Not too bad considering I did cheat while the in laws were here all last week. Nothing much going on over here. Have my first cake class Friday for the last course 'fondant and gum paste'. Looking forward to it. I don't know why I'm not excited about this next cycle coming up and I'm pretty sure this current cycle is a bust. My temps are very boring. I guess I'm just trying to be a realist this time around and the femara very well might not work and I don't want to get my hopes up. I'm not really stressing ttc right now. I just feel I need to relax and just leave it in God's hands.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Not what I was hoping for

GAH! How can I be working out, eating right and gain a lb??!!...I weighed in this morning @ 178.2.  I just don't get it.  I worked out yesterday too.   Mikes parents are in town and we're eating at a Mexican restaurant and a German restaurant this week.  Can't really think of many low carb options for those cuisines...But after those I'll be back on track.  On the bright side I haven't eaten a single slice of the cake I made for my cake course.  I made everything except the stems. It's a moist strawberry cake with fresh strawberry filling and butter cream icing. Just the smell of it is killing me.  But I really need to control my sugar to get my pcos under control. :(  I'm going to take my measurements after his parents leave next week and start from scratch. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lazy Tuesday?

I cannot for the life of me get motivated this morning. I'm just sooo tired.  I went to bed at 1a.m., woke up at 8a.m. and I'm still tired! I drank my shake and took my vitamins and the energy one is apparently broken! All I want to do is crawl up in a ball and sleeeeeep.  I need to do my 30 day shred but I'll probably just half ass it seeing as I don't even want to get off my couch today.  Wow this post should be called "Whiny Tuesday."  While typing this I just realized I'm being a total Whiner!! Someone please hurry and call the whaaambulence for me! Eww I hate whining. Soo I'm going to take control of my actions and stop whining. lol.  Excuse me while I kick my own ass and make myself do the 30 day shred video! These lbs aren't going to melt themselves away!  Tomorrow is weigh in.  I already know I'm not at my 175 goal...I couldn't resist and weighed myself today. :( 177.  I was that last week. Grrrr.  Who knows.  Maybe it will lower some by tomorrow.  I'll keep ya posted.