Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hey Y'all!

Where do I start? I thought I'd start a blog to keep track of what's going on in our lives and also to let our family and friends who don't live near us get the 411 on the Griswolds. If you are reading this blog you are obviously either our family or close friends and it's no secret what we've been going through infertility wise.  We finally had our first Reproductive Endocrinologist appointment today! (which you'll see shortened to 'RE' through here on out). His name is Dr. Mayer and he is the Associate Professor in the Ob/Gyn Department at the University of South Florida. Also the Chief of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tampa General Hospital.  In other words he's hot shit and if anyones going to get us pregnant, it's this guy! He was extremely helpful our first appointment.  Answered all of my questions and gave me a rundown of the game plan. We're basically starting from square one to work out all the kinks because he thinks why not try everything from the bottom up. Which was a relief because I've heard of other RE's jumping straight to IVF to get your money.  We talked for about an hour and he gave me a script for some blood work (BW) and when I looked at the 3 pages I saw there we're 11 lab slips. EEK! I'm that lame person that gives blood and feels like fainting and gets super embarrassed. update** BW done!  I'm sure the phlebotomist thought I was pathetic. I think I only filled 8 tubes which is nothing compared to when people donate a pint to blood drives!! Whose a big baby? This girl right here!!  I'm super nervous to get results but excited to get some answers! We'll keep you guys posted!